One of My favorite Games of all time is metriod prime, it's a work of interactive art. The world it takes place in is truly huge and diverse, no two areas are alike, and the same can be said for it's creatures and enemies, each and every asset is a work of art, not only does it look great, but it plays wonderfully too.

Everything from the atmosphere, audio and boss fights is unique and comes together to form a great game, although the game is in first person perspective, it's more about exploring and finding out why certain things are happening rather than being in combat constantly, it has you using your head more than your trigger finger.

Even though more importance is placed on the exploration aspect of the game, its combat segment is fun, fast, and hectic. combined with the other elements of the game and the results are one of the best games ever made. i lost count how many times I've gone back to play the game, i lost count around the 14 play through. It's truly a wonderful game and deserved all the praised it got.